Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 3.1K Putting a shoot together may seem like one of the simplest acts to execute on Earth but that is far from the truth. Photography scams are amongst some of the most common business scams with a very grey area that restricts the involvement of the law. Image by @pochy.tzphotographer It is very disheartening because scams and bad relationships with photographers can ruin priceless moments and shoots that can never be recreated, leaving you with an empty wallet and much-wounded pride. So with that said, within our 16-year history of working with photographers, here are the 10 most vital relatable lessons anyone about to work with a photographer should consider. 1Get Full Details Of The PhotographerMake sure before working with a photographer, you are fully aware of their location, phone number, and associates that know him or her. This is an essential piece of advice everyone must execute when doing business with any freelancer. Being frustrated with a photographer and not knowing when you will get your images is very frustrating. What is even worst is not knowing where the photographer can be reached or found, and it can turn your world upside down after they refuse to pick up your calls. So ensure you have all necessary traceable and trackable information.2Use Recommendations! Do Not Be Deceived By Portfolios Pic by @bertluvpixels Do not be deceived by portfolio images, use recommendations and research your photographer. There are a lot of scam photography pages with images from other professional creatives that they didn’t curate. However, this advice goes a step further. A lot of photographers display work on their portfolio that is extremely amazing, however, this doesn’t mean after you pay them they will perform the same quality standards of work. This is very common among 1000s of creative freelancers, the portfolio used to sell the services is not always the service they provide. On social media, one good way to research is by looking up images they are tagged in or hashtagged in. Or review their comments section and see the reactions of those involved in the shoot they publish. If they are happy with them, you will see comments that express so. Alternatively, you can contact people you might know who have worked with them and get their feedback. 3There Is No Fixed Price For PhotographyPhotography is expensive, especially if you are a company looking for commercial usage and advertising. However, working with a photographer can be very dynamic even for commercial usage and advertising. There are many renowned photographers in particular fields enthusiastic about crossing over to other fields, and in order to do this some are looking to practice and work on their craft. Meeting a photographer at this stage could be a bonus for you if you just happened to be a car company their willing to work with, or the fashion model they wish to experiment with. Sometimes, it might not even be a matter of crossing over, it might be a matter of experimenting on new lights, or a new scenery, mastering color grading, and so forth. The stage at which a photographer may be in their career will determine the amount he or she is willing to request (if any at all) for working with you.42. Don’t Bargain (Much) With Photographers Pic by @morgan_photographe If a photographer gives you a price that is a little out of your budget, it’s fair to bargain that little. However, if their price is way out of your budget avoid bargaining with him/her. The reason is they are most likely to take the job but they will definitely by no doubt execute something extremely horrible. Paying for such services is not the same as buying a chocolate bar, most photographers will take payment they are not happy with because regardless we all need the money, but before accepting the money they have already outlined the mistreatment you will receive for insulting their pride and paying so low. They will take the money because it is needed but you will be a fool to think that means they will execute your work to your satisfaction. 5Contract Your TermsMake sure you contract any and every photographer you work with. Contracting a photographer might seem tedious but it’s very essential. It is the only justification that allows you to be supported by law enforcement, especially when there is a lot of payment involved. When contracting your terms, consider aspects such as quality of images, turnover production time, reputation standards, the comparable likeness of images (ie. using previous images from their portfolio to set standards of expectations), usage limitations (ie. limiting the photographer from using the images for other commercial purposes, etc) and so forth. Have a standard form that you make sure everyone you work with signs. Technically a release form but with more requests.6Ownership Of Images Pic by @Drip_studio_ Of all the tips in this article, if there is one thing you should not forget, it’s this one. Following off the previous point 5 (if you are paying for the shoot) be sure to establish acknowledgment that the images belong to you. Many are not aware that no matter the relativity of the shoot, once a picture is snapped, it automatically belongs to the photographer unless agreed and signed otherwise. Considering that in the future you do become a known actor, musician, model, or celebrity of some sort, the photographer has every right to sell your images to the press or even restrict you from using them for any commercial purposes. This could also be of real pain if there is any nudity involved or child images that one might not wish to be used ever again.7Good Photographer Vs Good Retoucher With Camera, Know The Difference! Pic by @agyeman_duah_ There are good photographers and there are good retouchers, this is not to say any are bad, but it’s best to know what you want before booking. Remember, a photographer’s portfolio only tells you what they want you to see, it doesn’t show you the bad work, nor does it show you what went on behind the scenes in order to create the masterpieces they publish. A good photographer comes with some qualities that good retouchers who use cameras don’t. Good photographers know the right angles, and creative landscape ideas, direct your poses, and improvise in situations where you might be stuck. Good retouchers with cameras call you into the studio, shoot as you are, retouch, and get back. This is not a critique, but unless you are well equipped with posing, directing your own shoots, locations, etc then this is not a vital request. If not, it is best to seek out a good photographer or include a director in your budget. 8Do Not Pay Until Work Is DonePaying for services before the work is done is something we all simply do with ease until we meet an unprofessional professional, then we learn to be cautious. There are four stages where you can pay a photographer, they are 1. On the arrangement of the shoot. 2. After the shoot. 3. After the images are edited. 4. After you have received the images. Paying the photographer at stage one is a big No No! Paying the photographer at stage 2 is also a No-No if you are looking at the full amount. However, it isn’t a big problem if he or she is compensated a deposit for coming out, especially if you are satisfied with what you see on the camera screen. Also, the photographer might not trust you enough to wait until stage 4 (after you have received the images) before they receive their pay. Remember, photographers might also have had their share of bad clients. So the best moment to pay the full amount is at stage 3, after they have managed to show you your images are retouched, either via a low resolution or watermarked edit, or other means. 9Who Are You Modeling For Pic by @Serwah_images This might be particular to fashion models, but also to any random individual working with a photographer for free or paying for a shoot. Most photographers meet models, compliment them, and request to do a themed shoot for their sheer fact of collaborations. Many models are unaware they are being used for free to promote brands, shirts, portfolios for makeup artists, makeup brands, and more. Also following off of point 5, always ensure you have a non-commercial usage clause in your agreement. 10Always Be Pleasant To Your PhotographerAlways be pleasant to your photographer, especially if you are at a wedding. But generally speaking, learn how to divert tension when working with a photographer. Being that photography is within the realms of creative arts, there are 1000s of arrogant photographers out there who believe their ability to configure a mechanical object automatically equates to their ability to please any and everyone. Merely advising a photographer on how you want something done can even trigger their testosterone. If he/she has already been paid or he/she is the only one at the scene, know how to hear what he wants to do for you and tell him/her to give it a go before advising them to try what you would like them to do. It almost feels like telling a baby how you want what you are paying for. An angry photographer who has a disdain for you producing, snapping, selecting, and editing images that you are going to have to or have already paid them for is not something to look forward to. If there are things you really want to get off your chest that will not alter or improve the course of your images, tell them after the shoot.Hopefully, this article can save someone from having a bad experience with the next or first photographer they engage with. Good luck. Read More Like This OnGhana Insights & Advice UPCOMING PRIORITY EVENTS! VIEW ALL EVENTS To Submit stories Email: or HashTag #FashionGHANA Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail FashionGHANA Admin is a Fashion PR Company, Events planning & management team as well as Africa's leading Fashion Media House. 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