Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 11.6K In more recent centuries, African civilizations have arguably borne the brunt of Western imperialism. This has entailed the erosion of cultures, traditions, and civilizations, often at the cost of even basic human needs. Additionally, these societies have been replaced by puppet governments that primarily serve the interests of Western powers, functioning as parasitic entities extracting our valuable resources. On the other hand, North Africa has faced an even harsher fate, enduring Arab colonization, invasions, and slavery for many centuries before Western imperialism took its toll. Nonetheless, over the years, the world has witnessed the resilience, progress, and resistance of Africa, gradually becoming more apparent to a global audience. However, a significant part of this progress is rooted in the endeavor to catch up with Western standards. More Articles You Would Love Sober @ South Africa Fashion Week 2013 – Day 3 Fashion Film: Deola Sagoe’s Komole Iro & Buba Collection The key question that looms is what the trajectory of this development might have been if Africa had been allowed to advance without the ruthless plunder and decivilization it experienced. It is within this context that some AI artists, both African and non-African, have emerged on the internet, bringing to life captivating visual representations. Jenifer Haider Chowdhury stands out as one such artist who has crafted stunning visuals inspired by Egyptian architecture with a touch of luxury. Her designs remain faithful to the asymmetric triangular pyramids reminiscent of ancient Egyptian Nubian architecture, predominantly employing a palette of white and gold. Her artwork incorporates symbols engraved on the walls while integrating ornaments reminiscent of Egyptian monuments into our daily lives. However, Jenifer Haider Chowdhury is not the sole remarkable Egyptian AI designer we have come across online. A few scrolls down on Instagram, we stumbled upon another set of artworks by Maria Dudkina. This time, it felt personal and inviting. Maria Dudkina took us into bedrooms and imbued them with the comfort of spaces influenced by Egyptian art and concepts. Her designs featured a range of beds surrounded by softly contoured lighting, set against pyramid-adorned walls, with colossal Egyptian face and head monuments positioned above the headrests. Here, we present some of her remarkable creations. In a world where African and Egyptian cultures have faced adversity and appropriation, these AI artists are not just creators of visually stunning works but also champions of cultural resilience and reclamation. Their art serves as a testament to the enduring power of African heritage and the creativity that continues to thrive despite historical challenges. Hopefully their work can inspire future architects and we can see their beautiful designs come to life. Follow Them Here Jenifer Haider Chowdhury & Maria Dudkina. Read More Like This On Egypt Luxury & Travel UPCOMING PRIORITY EVENTS! VIEW ALL EVENTS To Submit stories Email: or HashTag #FashionGHANA Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail FashionGHANA Admin is a Fashion PR Company, Events planning & management team as well as Africa's leading Fashion Media House. Get Intouch with us and let's see how we can help you grow. info@FashionGHANAcom More For You PICS: Exploring The Beauty Of Hausa Mud Houses: 100% Sustainable & Non-Toxic Why You Should Visit Mali + Best Things To Do Whilst There +... 6 African Countries With The Cleanest Beaches Bonuses and Promotions at Hell Spin Casino VIDEO: You Will Never Know How Beautiful The City Of Swakopmund In Namibia... Beautiful Ancient Buildings Of Mali, Segou Stand The Test Of Time; Check Out... VIDEO: Get To Know About Fante Speaking Ghana Town Right In The Middle... 6 Reasons Why You Should Visit The Seychelles When Travelling To Africa See The Most Fascinating Ghanaian Vacation & Resorts Spots Outside The Capital City... Looking To Party In Ghana In December & More? Follow These Top Instagram...