Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 4.7K Tourism in Ghana is booming, and obviously, it has nothing to do with the government but instead, the creative, innovative, peaceful, and welcoming characteristics of the Ghanaian people which is something very unique in comparison with other popular tourist destinations. Ever since the year of return, many pages have found retribution in promoting entertainment and enjoyment in Africa. Some of these pages have also extended their content to serve impeccable cultural activities that are very entertaining not just to watch, but to set your calendars on. The most popular moment in Ghana at this current stage is December, which is well known for nightlife and social events. There are many pages that have lost authenticity and are limited to only events that pay them despite how boring they are. However, if you are looking for that authentic experience and wish not only to limit yourself to the clubs but explore other sweet moments of life in Accra and Ghana as a whole, here are the best pages you can count on in no particular order.1@Night_Time_Accra (Link)Lawrence has spent over a year using Night Time Accra to capture and tell the happenings of Ghana’s nightlife through vlogging, photography, videography, etc. It’s no secret that Ghana has a vibrant nightlife. It also covers some of the biggest events in the nightlife arena including bars, club culture, restaurants, and hangouts while offering a breath of fresh air for diasporans seeking to explore the country. It’s a highly recommend platform and one can visit the website to know more about them: (Link)Bill is Different is a young Ghanaian socialite dedicated to bringing you the top activities going on in and around Accra, all whilst serving you with a slice of international news. His consistency has quickly set many eyes on his platform as he provides great live updates of events such as Tidal Rave, Afrofuture, and high-level parties at locations such as Kruna the Club, Front/Back, Moodbar, Twist, Rave Accra, etc. (Link)WE DEY OUTSIDE! is a fun Instagram page that keeps you in tune with Ghanaian pop culture and event updates from shows concerts and more. It’s a great platform to get intuned with the latest in Ghanaian pop culture all whilst getting updates on events that Ghanaian-based Ghanaians actually look forward to attending. 4@BeyondTheReturn (Link)Beyond the Return is a government-run page that keeps you updated on official state-approved events and mainstream celebrities visiting the country. The organization produces a calendar each year of events that usually target a more mature crowd and enlightens them about various cultural aspects of Ghana. (Link)If you wish to enjoy Ghana outside the concept of social events, ie. hiking, visiting national parks, and waterfalls, this might just be the page for you. In addition to events, Visit Ghana Now also touches on leisure, heritage, tourism, and more, and gives you a true experience of Ghana as a country. Although it’s not based on events, you will get a full scope of activities to engage in outside of parties and cocktails. (Link)Yes we know we are plugging in ourselves, but get ready as we are set to change the course of fashion experience in Ghana in 2023. Not only are we ready to bring you the events as we did last year with schedules and appointments, but this year we would also be bringing you the visuals on who to know and much more we don’t want to put here until it’s executed (too many copycats, lol). So make sure you follow our TV page for an upcoming style experience. Follow these pages religiously and you will never have a minute of sleep in Ghana from nightlife to events to tourism, fashion, and fun. These pages do not only cover events, but they will give you a heads-up on what’s to come before it even happens. If you know any other pages with a different angle, feel free to drop them in the comment section.Read More Like This OnGhana Luxury & Travel UPCOMING PRIORITY EVENTS! VIEW ALL EVENTS To Submit stories Email: or HashTag #FashionGHANA Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail FashionGHANA Admin is a Fashion PR Company, Events planning & management team as well as Africa's leading Fashion Media House. 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