Thanks, Once the payment is made we will contact the designer and get a quote of the garment as it is, as well as the delivery price and send you as soon as. Please proceed with providing the details requested below and check out.
Thanks, Once the payment is made we will analyse the outfit and alert you if we can recreate it or find a designer brand that can. In the case that we do recreate it, you SHOPPER charge will be deducted. For example if we make the outfit for $130, you will only be invoice for $110. Please proceed with providing the details requested below and check out.
FashionGHANA.com shopper is a service provided by us to help you obtain the African fashion designs of your desire. African fashion creativity splurged in the fashion world very drastically, and it makes it hard to know who made what and when.
The FashionGHANA.com shopper is a service that allows you to send us something of your interest and for $20 only, we will arrange to obtain the outfit/s or garment/s of your interest.
Have you seen an image of outfits you admire? Are you having doubts about purchasing from a particular brand? Do you want a particular style with alterations?
The FashionGHANA.com Shopper is the right stop for you. Simply upload the design you are seeking and for $20 and we will get back to you with the actual price and creativity behind the outfit. We will then invoice you with the actual price of the outfit with various delivery options if you wish to proceed with our service. After payment for the product we will purchase the outfit on your behalf and ship it straight to you. REFUND: Please note the $20 does not account for the cost of the outfit, nor delivery nor the cost to recreate the outfit, it is a service charge prior to quoting you the actual price after we have sourced the designers pricing or total recreation cost including delivery. The $20 is only refundable if we are not capable of finding the actual creativity behind the outfit, nor the ability to provide a creative just as good, nor able to recreate the outfit.
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