Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 5.5K Since the release of ‘Queen Cleopatra’ docuseries by Netflix, the race debate over Cleopatra has been sparked once again and the invaders and settlers in Egypt are mad that the queen was depicted as a black woman. VIDEO: Netflix Releases trailer for Jada Pinkette’s “Queen Cleopatra” Docuseries There is currently a petition to cancel the show for race swapping. More Articles You Would Love 5 Must Have Summer Wardrobe Essentials For Every Stylish Girl The Fishnet Trend; Yay Or Nay? Truth be told, the documentary did not do Cleopatra any justice, because a glance at history would indicate that the queen should have been much a darker skin tone. 1. WHY IS CLEOPATRA’S RACE IMPORTANT The real reason why the race of Cleopatra has become such a sensitive issue amongst various races and nationalities of people is centered around her claim of beauty and Egyptian civilization. This is because Egypt was an African country that with gifted with an outstanding and well-documented history from rulers to civilization, societal order, and more. The documented history is something that many historians couldn’t fully grasp and what they could they were beyond impressed. And till this day the construction of the pyramids is one that continues to baffle them. The claim that Cleopatra isn’t black is based on a very vague assumption of the lineage from many generations back. General history and the construct of her relationship with others show that Cleopatra couldn’t have been anything other than black. So despite all the wahala, there is no proof she wasn’t black and no proof she was black, But the truth is do black people really want to claim her? Let’s review it all. Eyptian Pyramids & Civilization The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser built c. 2630–2610 BCE during the Third Dynasty. The BC (before Christ) timeline works backward. So for example year 4 BC came before year 3 BC, then the following year was 2BC, then 1BC, until 1AD (After Death). So if an act took place in 20BC that will be 2043 years ago (2023 + 20). Anyways, this outstanding Egyptian civilization is what has brought debate between BLACK people (of African descent), BROWN people (Asian Arabs and mulattos; a long line of race mixed people), and WHITE Arian people. Cleopatra’s Beauty The controversial leader Cleopatra was not only a representative of this civilization, but from time to time has been hailed in history as one of the world’s most beautiful women and therefore you will find her race also strikes a cord amongst the females who are sensitive to what race she is. However, reports say she wasn’t even good looking. 2. THERE IS NO PROOF CLEOPATRA WAS NOT BLACK We are not historians, so technically we will not provide any proof as to whether Cleopatra was black, brown, or white, we will only be able to provide evidence and logic to lead you to what her true race was and debunk anything so far that suggests she wasn’t black. There Is No Proof Cleopatra Was Mixed Looking Or White In every case provided by all searches on Google and white historians, there is no proof neither that Cleopatra was not black. Every case study has been a flawed argument of assumption, nontruths, and speculations which has been worded to ASSUME (but does not prove) she was macedonian Greek, which we will challenge. White historians and the current Arab invaders of Egypt today will like us to believe Cleopatra was of white or beige skin lady walking around with braided accessorized hair. That alone is humourous in comparison with whose hair texture speaks to this reality. We all know which race of women around the world braided their hair and which (every other) race doesn’t, but let’s exist the cultural attributes and dive into some facts. 3. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION WAS NOT LIMITED TO EGYPT First, let’s start with the civilization of hieroglyphics and pyramids that the nonblack settlers and invaders in Egypt so dearly wish to claim to their skin color. In addition to the unsolved technical construct of Pyramids, they were not easily built. They took nations of strong black men and women to develop them. This civilization didn’t exist in Europe, specifically Greece for that matter. Unless you are referring to the ludicrous glass Louvre Pyramid in France (joke). Pyramids & Other Attributes Of Eygptian Civilization Were Common In Africa However, Pyramids were also known to be found in neighboring African countries to Eygpt. In fact, according to Wikipedia the number of pyramids in Sudan far outnumbered those in Egypt by 85. Sudan has a great number of pyramids which is a testament to the rich culture the Country had in its history (Pyramids In Sudan). And what about Ethiopia? Ethiopians built the world’s first pyramid. It was in Ethiopia’s central west at Lake Zuay (Ziway). This was more than 3,000 years before the Christian era (BCE). In the 1970s, Mesfin studied this in his Ethiopian Grade 10 textbook. (Pyramids In Ethiopia). Pyramids and artistic hieroglyphics were common to African civilizations across the world. Even in West Africa Mali and Benin had pyramids. Nubian People Built The Pyramids In fact, the pyramids of Egypt and North Sudan are well documented as NUBIAN pyramids and were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdoms over a period of a few hundred years. Ancient Nubian Artifacts What Is Nubia Egypt was formerly known as Nubia, It was the area of the Nile valley known as Nubia, which lies within the north of present-day Sudan and was the site of three Kushite kingdoms during antiquity. The capital of the first was Kerma (2500–1500 BCE). The second was centered on Napata (1000–300 BCE). The third kingdom was centered on Meroë (300 BCE-AD 300). The pyramids are built of granite and sandstone. Why Is The Word Nubia Important In This Race Discussion The pyramids are known as the Nubian pyramids for a reason. The word Nubian was used to describe a dark-skinned tone person, or back then, the original person of Egypt. Nubians are the indigenous people of the region which is now Egypt and northern Sudan. Nubians Are…. They originate from the early inhabitants of the central Nile Valley, believed to be one of the earliest cradles of civilization. Not the Greek and Arab settlers and invaders we see of today (Ask Wikipedia If You Don’t Believe) 4. WHY IS DARK SKIN RELEVANT TO EGYPTS HISTORY So now that we know this was a civilization not only by real dark-skinned black people based on history written by both black and white journals, we can now progress into another aspect that could define the race of Egyptians at the time and Cleopatra (again, despite not with proof, but hard strong evidence). Dark Skin We know African people are blessed with an advantage when exposed to the Sun. Humans with dark skin pigmentation have skin naturally rich in melanin (especially eumelanin) and have more melanosomes which provide superior protection against the deleterious effects of ultraviolet radiation. This helps the body to retain its folate reserves and protects against damage to DNA. (Wikipedia) And if you haven’t realized it by now, you naturally come with attributes like melanin, and darker-skinned pigments that help protect the skin from too much sun exposure. Melanin also safeguards you against threats such as skin cancers and sunburns. (Benefits Of Black Skin & Hair) Therefore No Other Race Could Have This makes it impossible to believe that any other race other than the dark black-skinned people would have been capable to have provided the labor that built the pyramids and the civilization of Egypt in the scorching sun. And proof shows that without nations in BC. White & Brown People In The Sun We do not need to go back in history to identify this, we see it every day in Africa. White and brown people look and feel very uncomfortable in the scorching sun and hardly take a walk until the sun comes down. Even light-skinned black people show signs of discomfort during midday. However, for some reason the invaders currently in Egypt want you to believe they took to the hard rocks to assemble the civilization in Egypt. Black People Are More Resourceful In Labour The mass labor that took to build Egyptian civilization was done by BLACK, not brown-white people. And White and brown people understand this very well. Hence why Americans rather enslaved black people allegedly from Africa to build their country and not the Mexicans next door. Hence why the Arab invaders of North Africa enslaved black people and not anybody else. Logic simply identifies this. Despite evidence and proof of the race provided about, can you literally imagine, the white pigmentated settlers of Eygpt today lifting, pushing, and pulling, heavy materials in the scorching sun? 5. WHY PEOPLE THINK CLEOPATRA IS WHITE So if it is documented by the Nubian Egyptian people that they were black, why do people believe the Queen Cleopatra wasn’t? The outrageous claim that Cleopatra is white or nonblack comes simply from one claim which is the ‘general consensus among scholars that she was predominantly of Macedonian Greek ancestry and minorly of Iranian descent.’ Which means, their assumption she is not black is simply what it is, an assumption, And where they are wrong is where the word ‘predominantly’ comes in. No One Has Proven Cleopatra Is NOT Black Now let’s be clear, the change of winds in history that wish for us to believe Cleopatra is white simply comes from an argument by scholars. No proof, no evidence. And not to misquote them so we can literally break down their hilarious arguments it reads fully… While Cleopatra was born in Egypt, she traced her family origins to Macedonian Greece and Ptolemy I Soter, one of Alexander the Great’s generals. Ptolemy reigned Egypt after Alexander’s death in 323 B.C., and he launched a dynasty of Greek-speaking rulers that lasted for nearly three centuries. Despite not being ethnically Egyptian, Cleopatra embraced many of her country’s ancient customs and was the first member of the Ptolemaic line to learn the Egyptian language.(Link) This Prooves Cleopatra Not Being Black Is Baseless So let’s analyze this! The idiotic scholars who follow books that have attempted to whitewash Egypt did not claim Cleopatra was a descendant of Macedonian Greece, but instead she traced her family origins to Macedonian Greece. So she did not come from Greece, no! She was not a child of Macedonian parents in Egypt, rather, she rather traced her lineage to Greek. In Fact, Their Argument Hints She Was Black The actual acknowledgment of Cleopatra not being black isn’t even stemming from proof but is based on an assumption due to a lineage claim, in a country that wasn’t bound by race. If they had to ‘trace her roots in order for history to know she was not black whilst ruling a Nubian country, then by face value she must have looked black. All paintings and hyroglyphic art depicted Cleopatra as dark brown. Cleopatra Had A Drop Of White Blood From Over 6 Generations; Like That Ever Changed Anything Cleopatra who was born in 69BC would be 3 centuries away from the alleged period when Ptolemy I Soter did in 323 B.C Egypt, that is 254 years of descendency, descendency not only from Ptolemy but also from NUBIAN Egyptians whilst based in a very dry and hot country, and dominated by desert. And you still think she would still be Greek looking? One drop from the Nubian people of Egypt and that girl would be dark than Michael Blackson. It Only Takes 2 Generations Of Black Blood To Be Fully Black And if aging was to be as it is now, you could probably erect about 12 generations of DARK NUBIAN parents and blood from Cleopatra heritage at most, and at least 5. However, white people will wish for us to believe that this little acknowledgment of her tracing her origins to Ptolemy somewhat indicates she is somewhat white or mixed-looking. There is no doubt that after so many generations she would eventually be black. Even two generations of black blood and no one can be identified as anything other than black. That is as stupid as believing Elon Musk claiming to be black because he traced a black grandmother from 12 generations ago. That is a disillusioned fact that these are the scholars of European society. 6. Do They Want Us To Believe Egypt Was A Black/White Master Slave Nation Fighting Against Greece? Does that make sense? In order for Cleopatra to be this distinctively Greek, or even mixed-looking, it would and could have only meant that ever since Ptelemy arrived in Egypt, he only married to other white Greeks, who did nothing but stay away from the sun and preserve their whiteness until one day boom ‘The royal Egyptian family came to them and asked them to give her up’. Egypt Wasn’t A Race Slave Nation The only other reality that they can then paint from this lie that white Greeks and their arab settlers in Egypt are claiming, is Egypt was a slave nation of blacks working for Greek white rulers for many generations. That literally can be the only other explanation. If we have identified by undisputable means based on nature, history, and references that the Egyptians were black and they claim Cleopatra the queen was close to white and greek, based on the lineage from 6-12 generations of former rulers in Egypt, then it would have historically been acknowledged that Egypt was a slave nation ruled by Greeks during her reign. But this isnt’ documented anywhere. There is no proof that Eygpt was divided by race prior to the downfall of Cleopatra and even some show the black figures being served by non-blacks. Hence why the nature of the citizens of Egypt during that moment matter. Depicted of the Kush Kingdom of the 21st Century BC Cleopatra Wasn’t A Race Slave Master Neither If that was the case then Egyptian history would have acknowledged Cleopatra as a slave master, or a Greek colonial ruler not of Egyptian blood, nor had a heritage of one! But it doesn’t, and neither does the Hyrophliphics art (the only proof that depicted what rulers in Egypt looked like). What they won’t tell you is the Greek rulers prior to Cleopatra were heavily rejected by the native egyptians. There were many undocumented uprisings that can be researched. Egypt’s civilization was well-built and documented before the Greek Invaders came in. Historians have acknowledged that the Greeks invaded and ruled from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, and Nubia would be invaded and annexed to Egypt, ruled by the Greeks and Romans. Meaning that the attempt to dominate Egypt was going on during Cleopatra’s reign. Also Cleopatra Couldn’t Be Recognised As Ceasar’s Wife Because… Another giveaway that she was black is Cleopatra was not recognized as a wife to Caesar, as Romans were not allowed to marry foreigners at the time. The Argument That Cleopatra Was Not Black Makes Absolutely Zero Sence It is almost the equivalent of believing the French have conquered Nigeria and that it has had French rulers for decades or centuries. All whilst fighting France to prevent Nigeria from being a colony of France. In addition to this, imagine the Nigerian French ruler is in bed with the ruler of France (comical right). If so, what is the fight for? And why was it so significant? This is what whitewashing does, it makes no sense! And only resistance against the rule of one race against another will make sense in this reality. Real Egyptian art of Egyptians as they wish to be remembered and not the descendants of Greek and arab invaders. For Cleopatra To be Non-Black Would Mean A Totally Different Life Story This will only be possible if they were limiting themselves to looking for other white counterparts in black country generation after generation. Even pandering to the idea that Cleopatra was not black makes her whole life story credulous. The argument that Cleopatra was white is based on no proof nor substance, but simply the fact she had lineage tracing back to a white man many 250 years before her birth. Egypt was not racially divided at that time and was not under any such rule. And if it was then Cleopatra won’t have been fighting anyone. Claiming she was black is the equivalent of writing history on any current African and claiming they are white. Moreover, it is awkward that they linked her lineage to a white man but til today there is no acknowledgment of the race of her mother. 7. Arab Settlers Are Desperate To Remove Black People From The Equation The Arabs and whites were so desperate for the world to believe the rulers of Egypt were not black and so they went off damaging the broad noses of Egyptian statues to secretly deny their identity as Nubian Africans, all artwork and hieroglyphics depicted Cleopatra as a Nubian dark African woman. Random google Image of Arab Settlers in Egypt Today They would wish to Erase to concept of Nubians and black people from history as shown in images and textual description and have you believe Egyptians resembled the family above. One simple question, if the Greek settlers and arab invaders can go to the extent of damaging humongous and historical statues to deny Nubian peoples involvement in the said history, why would it be hard to believe they can go to the extent of denying Cleopatra being black? Race Dilution Is Real There is no argument that Egyptians were black or at least before the Greek and Arab invaders entered. The people in Egypt look nothing like the real people of Egypt back in the days when the civilization was built. Some may find it hard to believe that race mixing and invaders could change a whole nation’s race color, but take North Africa for example. The Arabs invaded it in 647 AD. This is roughly 700 years after Cleopatra was born, and 14 centuries ago. And today one can hardly find a large population of black people of North African origin. So yes, it is possible for white and brown people to invade and dilute a Nubian-orientated country and then claim its historical civilization, all whilst hiding in their airconditioned cars and houses not being able to replicate the labor that created those civilizations. 8. History Shows White & Brown Don’t Accommodation Women Leaders White and brown people, cultures, and civilizations have hardly groomed the grounds for women to emerge as leaders. History will show us that it was only until the 20th century before white nations saw their first female head of state. White/Greek Female Rulers Can’t Be Found There has never been a white female general of any white army anywhere, nor a white female ruler of any civilization anywhere. Their laws and their religion never gave women those rights. And it is fair to say it isn’t in the white woman’s nature. On the otherhand, religion or not, arab women are made to even cover their faces in public. An Abundance Of Black Female Fighters On the other hand, African people, Nubians, black people, or whatever you may describe us as, have a long history of women rulers, leaders, generals, warriors, and more. For the sake of not prolonging this article, there is such a rich history of black female rulers and activists that can easily be researched on from Assata Shakur, Yaa Asantewaa to Queen Nzinga, Angela Davis and much more. Black women being rulers is in abundance and not just history, it is even very evident in society today. From the unmatchable strength of black female musicians to black women being the most educated group in the USA, to black women dominating sports, to simply Ghana having the most counts of female entrepreneurs. African/Black Culture Has Always Welcomed Female Heros African and black people have always had equality between men and women, it’s in our nature. We served as the only grounds for women to emerge as leaders, without any religious suppression or exploitation, this is the only way Cleopatra could have emerged as a ruler, unlike the nature of the Greeks, whose rubbish failed kingdom of Rome is so exaggerated. Non-Black History/Culture Has Always Suppressed Women Both Christianity and Muslims suppress women. The history of marriage alone depicts the enslavement of a woman to a man. 9. BUT DO WE REALLY WANT TO FIGHT OVER CLEOPATRA? But in closing, Black or Mixed or white, do we really even care about Cleopatra? Literally, she was Eygpt’s weakest and most incompetent leader. And also, many historians have discovered Cleopatra wasn’t as attractive as the fairy takes have told us so let’s tick that off the books. Cleo Gave Eypt Away She paved the way for Greece to further conquer the African nation, and not only that, she stayed as his mistress up until Caesar’s death in 44 B.C.E. Cleopatra was not recognized as a wife to Caesar, as Romans were not allowed to marry foreigners at the time. Despite whatever you see in the movies, the added makeup, the extra emotional stories no one knew of, and so forth, the one and only truth is she failed Egypt. She was not a hero, in fact, she gave Egypt up to be her conquerer’s mistress. Why are we fighting to claim this piece of garbage? Who Was Cleopatra & Why Are We Fighting Over This Hag She had three kids with Mark Antony, a Roman general under Julius Caesar (who she will later be sleeping with) and later a triumvir who ruled Rome’s eastern provinces (43–30 BCE). Mark was the lover of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, and was defeated by Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) in the last of the civil wars that destroyed the Roman Republic. How Cleopatra Made Mark Kill Himself Cleopatra was soo scandalous, her lover Mark Antony Killed himself after she faked her death to him. He stabbed himself with a sword but was then brought to die in Cleopatra’s arms. Mark Antony died on August 1, 30 BC. Cleopatra Tried To Open Her Legs To Octavia Cleopatra Tried To Open Her Legs To Octavia, but he wasn’t having in. She is trash and scandalous. Cleopatra Sleeping With Ceasar Was No Love Story Cleopatra required the might of Caesar’s armies to install her back as ruler of Egypt, while Caesar was in need of Cleopatra’s vast wealth. She is believed to have been the world’s richest woman at the time and able to finance Caesar’s return to power in Rome. So that is how Ceasar started humping her, so she could get her power back. The Hag Married Her Brother Did you also know she married her brother just to stay in power? Under Egyptian law, Cleopatra could not rule without a king, so she married her youngest brother (Ptolemy XIV) to retain control but maintained a relationship with Caesar. She went through desperate measures to stay in power of a kingdom she couldn’t keep. Also!! Cleopatra Was A Baby Momma She got entangled with Ceasar, then got defeated by Octavian’s army at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE and assured the end of her reign (Cleopatra Lost). After Ceasar helps her get Rome back she, Ceasar and the son left for Rome. Some of you might not really understand the implications of this. Can you just imagine a female ruler or a president of today being a baby momma to an outsider DURING THEIR RULE? All whilst you have children with a stained general. After Wrecking Egypt She Kills Herself After becoming the mistress to your people’s invader, marry her brother, giving birth to a fatherless child, and losing the war, she then selfishly went and committed suicide, which, according to historians, is what she was best known for. Some argue she killed herself allegedly from the fatal bite of a venomous snake, others say she drank toxins. (Cleopatra’s death). Knowing the white history, they probably killed her once she gave up the kingdom to the Greek imperialist, probably like they did Virgil Abloh after he sold off white. She was a power-hungry loser who had nothing to offer but to spread her legs to Ceasar to get her power. If she is not Africa’s most incompetent and useless historic ruler in history only God knows who is. The notion and the idea of her existence as a queen is literally stupid. 10. ARABS & GREEKS WILL FOREVER LOVE HER Cleopatra is being glorified in history simply because she gave way for the Greeks to conquer and thought she would be embraced into the Roman empire. What many don’t know is before her death she moved to Greece and stole the many scrolls of Egyptian civilization to the Greeks. They Can Keep Her There are many ways her story can be written, twisted, and turned. If the white and brown people want her, in all actual fact, they can have her. There is nothing proud about this hag that was even worth us writing this. And so with that said, yes she was black. Non Black Egyptians Love Her The current people in Egypt are not Egyptians by blood, only by citizenship. They are descendants of Arabs with mixed blood during the later BC years and also settlers and invaders, and maybe that’s why Cleopatra means a lot to them, because she opened the gates to Egypt like she opened her legs to their ruler Ceasar. Ever since the invasion of Egypt, nothing tremendous has come out of the nation that the Nubians built, however, we can only imagine what that civilization would have been today had it not been torn down by the Greek rulers. 11. BLACK PEOPLE SHOULD CHERISH THEIR REAL HEROES Let’s face it! The only reason why Cleopatra is the most popular out of all the other real Egyptian queens and goddesses is simply 1. the claim to her white Greek lineage, 2. Her being used and dumped by Ceasar who ignored her child, and 3. Her giving our civilization to the Greeks. These are the only reasons why Cleopatra’s name rings bells. Of course, she would be made a martyr, they have every right to love her. Both the European nations and the Arab settlers in Egypt. We can not complain about that. We can not expect them to hail the ones that were more essential to the Nubian people, that is a job for us. The real Egyptians were black, the real civilization was developed by Nubians and not the ones occupying the country and there are thousands of stories to tell. We can’t wait for the imperialist to find the stories and figures they like and then we try to reclaim them. Let Them Keep Her Africans need to stop stressing over Cleopatra and learn to create more history centered around the queens we really do cherish, like true Nubian queens like Nefertiti, and Queen Makeda of Sheba, and make more movies, and books, like The Woman King.…Before they turn them white also! Read More Like This On Egypt Culture UPCOMING PRIORITY EVENTS! VIEW ALL EVENTS To Submit stories Email: or HashTag #FashionGHANA Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail FashionGHANA Admin is a Fashion PR Company, Events planning & management team as well as Africa's leading Fashion Media House. 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