Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 498 Taking good care of yourself is an important part of growing up. Maintaining feminine hygiene is important to your overall health because in addition to preventing odors, itching, and discomfort, practicing feminine hygiene can also prevent bacterial infections from occurring. In some cases, bacterial infections may lead to sterility, disease, cancer, and other health problems. To maintain your feminine hygiene, you must bathe regularly, develop healthy habits in regards to your menstrual cycle, and wear fabrics that allow your vaginal region to breathe 1.Wear loose, breathable, bottom clothing. Tight pants, shorts, or panties made from synthetic fabrics can reduce the air circulation around your vagina and cause it to sweat, which can increase your chances for odors and infection. ii.Wear loose panties that allow for air circulation or that are made from a natural, breathable fabric such as cotton. 2.Eat a balanced diet high in nutrition. A diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains such as brown rice will help prevent your body and vagina from experiencing infections or ailments. 3.Wash your vaginal area daily with mild soap and water. Mild soap will help prevent your vaginal region from becoming irritated or infected due to exposure from harsh chemicals found in antibacterial or astringent soaps. ii.Rinse your vaginal region with fresh water after washing with soap, then dry off immediately with a clean, towel to prevent moisture build-up. More Articles You Would Love #fGBrideAndGroom: Disney Needs To Take Notes As This Nigerian Couple Shows Them What A Fabulous Royal Wedding Gown Look Like #OOTD: Wait Till You See The Details On This Masterpiece On Bonang At Miss SA! Another Classic Look From Nigeria 4. Wipe your genital area thoroughly after urination. This will help keep your vaginal area dry and clean throughout the day. ii.Wipe yourself from front to back after experiencing a bowel movement to prevent fecal matter from coming into contact with your vagina, which can cause a bacterial infection. 5. Wash your vaginal area after sexual intercourse. Bodily fluids and residue from condoms and other intimate products can cause infection, irritation, and odors if not removed from your vaginal region following intercourse. 6. Change tampons, sanitary napkins, and pantyliners frequently. When these menstrual products become soiled and are worn for long periods of time, they can cause you to experience foul odors and increase the risk of infection. ii.Use menstrual products that do not contain scents or dyes, as these products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health. beautylifestylepersonal hygienewomen's care Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail Naa More For You PICS: Meet The Rwandan Fashion Brand MOSHIONS Behind John Legend’s Most Talked About... PICS: John Legend Put’s Rwandan Fashion On The Map With This Futuristic Mushanana-Inspired... Best Way To Even Out Your Black Skin Tone and Get Rid of... Aaley’s Turns Heads With Their Debut Ready-to-Wear Collection At Accra Fashion Week 2024 Embrace Yourself For Our Digital’s 20th Issue Fashion Cover ‘Afromance Unleashed’ Feat Emelia... The Other Side of Body Shaming: The Unspoken Struggles of Slim Models in... New Year, New Vision: A 2025 Guide for Fashion Designers & Creatives By... Check Out The Top 10 Runways Models That Rocked Accra Fashion Week 2024 Yoonek by Haddy Sets A New Wave In Ghanaian Style Merging Culture with... “It Was Unfortunate There Wasn’t A Ceremony At The Show” – Face Of...