Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 4.5K She might not be so popular in Ghana generally or even now, but she is the talk of the town and trending in Jamaica. Ghanaian keyboard activist and advocate for natural hair Serwaa Ampaafo is not one to shy away from expressing her opinions on various social subjects. She is known amongst her followers for pointing out common sense on issues that are not so well adapted by society. Serwaa who has remained consistent with not bending over to wear pieces of non-African women’s hair on her head only saw read after seeing the news feature of Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. SERWAA VS JAMAICA Shelly-Ann and her colleagues qualified Jamaica in second place in the women’s 200m track race, but Serwaa took to heart something she believed was more detrimental than not winning first place. More Articles You Would Love Chilidzy Dee Designs, House of Panene & M’oliech @ Nairobi Fashion Week 2015, Kenya #HOTSHOTS: ‘REIGNING THROUGH THE RAIN’ A Beautiful African Print Editorial By Nana Tamakloe Serwaa took to her Instagram to give the Jamaican 200m athletes a piece of her mind alongside a picture of theirs. She stated “Good you won with your legs in athletics and not in any event which involves complex brain activity; Because there is no way these brains covered in those hideous wigs can ever win in any competition that is shockingly groundbreaking. Clowns!” The post managed to circulate amongst Jamaicans and instantly caught fire with Serwaa receiving over 100s of replies worth of insults. To date, the published post has over 1,700 comments on it. SERWAA VS JAMAICA PART 2 But Serwaa wasn’t done with the Jamaican athlete nor hinged by the reactions of their supporters from Jamaica. She further Lambasted the ladies about their ‘hideous’ wigs. She dug deep into the ladies with a post that opened like this “You see the African continent is not the only thing that has become a dumping site for European/American/Asian waste products but sadly the bodies of Africans as well.” Very interesting comment considering the first published article of today on FashionGHANA. PICS: Millions Of UK Clothes Washed Up On Ghana’s Beach As Gvt Continues To Allow 2nd Hand Clothes To Destroy Our Economy She further stated… Any right-thinking person understands the global hair business is a huge party and Africans are not invited; No other race imports Afro-hair thus leaving Africans at the consumer end to create a trade deficit which destabilizes their economies in a lot of ways. All Afro-hairs on the market are made from synthethic fibres by same folks who supply human hair. According to a Reuter business study, Africans spend not less than $10 billion on European/Asian human hair. How do they get that hair to even sell in such large quantities? Well.. these hairs are usually from their dead or some willing participants from the East engaging in some ritual. Serwaa’s comments were made roughly 24 hours ago and are already the talk of the town in Jamaica. She received immediate backlash and insults as seen in the screenshot below. Still not bothered? Serwaa immediately took the opportunity to further promote natural hair and natural hair products to those who continued to visit her page and insult her, with a post stating… “one thing I admired in all of their shenanigans was the display of the false sense of power social media bestows and at the same time takes away from users. Users forgot that they can only engage a post via comment because I give them the discretion to do so not because they wield any superior power.” OUR THOUGHTS: Initially onsight of seeing Serwaa’s post, yes it was harsh and very demeaning to the beautiful young Jamaican ladies who recently made a milestone achievement for the whole Jamaican nation. But let’s be honest, does their achievement make them immune from scrutiny? Shelly-Ann Is Not Immune To The Truth Would Serwaa have received such a backlash, if she picked any picture of a random half-naked dancehall performer or crack-smoking lady and dissected them for wearing green, blue, or orange wigs? Probably not, in fact, most people would have joined along. Jamaicans took offense to her truth simply because it was aimed at their national heroes, which is well understood but doesn’t alternate with the fact that her words were absolutely true. Africans Verses Jamaicans This now brings us to the issue, is Shelly-Ann anti-Jamaican and expressing negative sentiments towards them? This obviously isn’t the case. In fact, it seems like the fact these ladies were from Jamaica wasn’t even a factor on Serwaa’s mind. In her second post, she even addresses them and the wider scenario as Africans and African bodies being a dumping ground for the west. In fact one should be able to see that Serwaa’s pan-African consciousness is so well informed, despite her disappointment in the runners, she is not the African that disassociates herself from them based on nationality. She strongly embraces them as Africans as they are but makes her case against their wigs. Harsh Insults? Was Serwaa To Harsh? Yes, she was! Was it unnecessary, that is a question for you to answer, but had she not been would we be talking about her and her truth today? A truth that sees black people giving away $10 billion dollars a year to buy hair off other non-black women. In fact a truth so disgusting we should all be outraged. A truth that needs to end, and would probably not have been heard if she wasn’t harsh. In saying all of that, yes it was harsh by Serwaa but needs to be supported. She is simply saying what is right but society has been so far removed she is almost like an alien simply expressing what everyone thinks except for black women. Do we believe the young fabulous Jamaican ladies have no brain activities in their heads? Obviously not. It takes a lot of thinking to be dedicated to something constantly reminding yourself to put temptations aside, and in this field learning about health and inspiration and finding reasons to motivate yourself. Obviously anyone who makes it that far isn’t stupid. Would FashionGHANA ever take the approach of demeaning others? No! We would rather work to glorify what we think is the way. However, some people will learn because of our methods, and others will learn because of those like Serwaa, and by that understanding, we appreciate her rants. Read More Like This On Ghana Social Matters & Politics UPCOMING PRIORITY EVENTS! 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